Thursday, April 10, 2014

By far the scariest day of my life: An update

As some of you may have noticed, I removed my blog from the page in order to maintain discretion while officials conducted their investigation. I feel it's necessary to update and correct some things I said before. I apologize for my emotions jumbling up some of the details I got of that day.

First of all, my husband didn't go to the ED immediately, he remained in his clinic as ED patients were being moved there. He was there when some of the wounded first arrived.

I thought he only cared for one particular soldier, when in actuality it was two. I was never told clearly that he spoke to Lt. General Milley but have now been informed that he did. Lt. General Milley came by the rooms of the wounded to check up on their statuses.

I now know the story of at least one of C's colleagues who was called in to the hospital that day from off base. He was there ASAP and also jumped into action without really knowing what was going on.

Apparently, after the first 911 calls came in, police contacted only the ED (emergency Dept, in case I need to clarify that again). The hospital made the Mass Cal announcement not long after. The ED transferred patients from their dept. to the clinic where my husband works. The first two victims were brought in with active CPR and unfortunately didn't make it.

Ok, I think that's all I misunderstood from my previous post. Sorry again about the misinformation.

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