Monday, February 24, 2014

Crazy Walgreens Mommy

Here's the first of MANY crazy adventure stories:

So my baby boy was born last February. He put me through the ringer with colic until about June. Everyone had their own "remedy" for colic but one thing that seemed to help him at least to sleep most of the time was a homeopathic medicine called Colic Calm.

I try to have a somewhat structured day that I'm sure looks more like chaos than structure to any outsiders :). I usually start making lunch around 12:00 and try to have both little ones (who usually still take at least an hour nap) down for a nap around 1:00-1:30 every day.

We were out of Colic Calm and I knew we would need some for naptime but especially for nighttime. It was about 11:30 so I thought ok, we run to Walgreens (one of the only stores that carried this magic elixir) to grab it and be back around 12:00. I load everyone up in the car~which is a feat in and of itself~and head out.

We get there and I put my daughter, who is 2 1/2 at the time, in her new Minnie Mouse stroller. This is the first time she's been in it so she's super excited and willing to sit there while I get her little brother situated. I bring her, in the stroller, over to my baby's side of the car. My plan was to put him in our baby carrier (we call it the harness). I open his door to the wonderful aroma of a nasty poopy diaper. And there's poop everywhere! I mean everywhere! All of him, all over the carseat, on his face~everywhere!

We live in Texas and it was hot, like 95+ hot and humid! I try to get my daughter out of the stroller and back into the car while I clean up her brother. Of course she can't bear getting out of her new stroller when she'd only been in it for less than five minutes. So I park her best I can, safely and close to me, while I clean him up. We are all sweating at this point! He is finally clean and we head inside!

I know exactly where this medicine is so we go straight there and grab it. All of us are hot and sweaty and now the kids are both hungry. I get up to the counter only to realize that in all of the excitement outside, I forgot to bring in my debit card. Awesome, right?

Run out to the car and just go straight to counter. The very nice employee comments on how cute my baby is and tells me about the latest discounts and coupon programs. Do I look like I have time for that at this very second? Since we had just come in and went straight up to the counter, I had left my daughter, in the stroller, facing the rest of the store. I pay and go to grab her and she's not anywhere to be seen!

She's "walked" herself down towards the food aisles on the back wall of the store. She's hungry! I know this because she's yelling EAT! But she's not saying "eat", she's saying "scheat". So she's stroller-walking (she could probably win an Olympic medal if that ever becomes a sport) away from us yelling "SCHEAT" SCHEAT!!

Everyone around is losing it laughing at us~all I can do is laugh along!!! It aint over yet folks! We get out to the car, I get everyone back in their carseats. I catch my breath and put the car in reverse thinking to myself "Wow, that was way more complicated than I imagined" and "wonder if people are watching and what they've thought of this whole ordeal" and noticed it was now 12:45!

Car's in reverse, I back up~Crash!!!! I think "What in the world?!?!" Put car back in park, hop out to see what I hit~ OF COURSE, I ran over the stupid Minnie Mouse stroller!!! I laugh out loud literally and shake my head. I check it out and the stroller is fine. It recently made it through a whole week at DisneyWorld!

You can't make this stuff up! This is my crazy life, but I wouldn't have it ANY other way!

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